Tag Archives: Weed

Hi My Name Is Leah and I’m a Hypochondriac !


Oh My God My Chest is Killing me.  I mean My Arms are killing me too!!!   I have to keep reminding myself that they hurt because I used my dumbbells during the biggest loser walking video. I have to remind myself of this because I’m such a hypochondriac!    I remember When I was in my early twenties I would call my Friend Amanda (who was an RN).

Me:  Amanda I think I’m Having A Heart Attack

Amanda:  Girl Your Not Having a Heart Attack.

Me:  But You know I’m a Big Girl I’m Having Chest Pains

Amanda:  Even being Over Weight at your age it’s very unlikely

Me:  I’m Having Chest pains and my arm hurts

Amanda:  Leah I’m Almost For sure your Not having a heart attack

Me:  OK  If your Sure.

I used to do this maybe once a month.  My Poor Friend Amanda Was such a Trooper with me and my Craziness.

This should of been a sign I should stop smoking WEED!!!!!  LOL  I used to FREAK OUT!!!  On top of me being a Hypochondria I would get Stoned and Be so paranoid.


Then there was the time at 3 am I Swore My Appendix was going to burst. I woke up my then Boyfriend (Now Husband)  Had him take me to the ER.  I was totally in panic.  I was in Pain and I was not doing so well.  As We are getting out of the Car to Go into the ER.   I let out the BIGGEST FART EVER!!!!!!!  I mean I think I set off the car alarm next to me it was such a fart.  So Andrew Just shook his head and got back in the car.   So Now Years later I don’t smoke pot and I had my Appendix Removed when it was actually going bad (which I totally put off like it was no biggie until my mom forced me to go to the ER) .  All Discovery health channels are banned in our house.  If they have a special on tumors I swear I have one and My husband has to Tell Me it’s not a tumor.

Now I just have to remind myself My Chest HURTS Because I rocked my Work out.  I pushed myself harder then I had in a while working all of those sore Muscles.  So My Name is Leah and I’m a Hypochondriac and I’m trying to get better